UFC results

As you were probably able to see, the UFC 223 title match was a chaos. Of course, as mentioned in the previous posts, changes due to injuries or health issues can occur, but considering it was last moment, I was surprised how Dana White (refer to 1st post for bio) was able to arrange everything and despite the negative comments, which you can see in my previous posts, he was able to find a fighter for Khabib Nurmagomedov.

Khabib vs Al LAquinta, MMA Fury Website (2018)
 The fighter was Al Laquinta, an American MMA fighter, who has been a professional fighter since 2009 (according the Official UFC website).
 The outcome of the fight was as expected: Khabib Nurmagomedov won the title and the belt of course. So thankfully, now I can in a way make a closure on this event that focus a bit more on ''Afrika Burn'' and make the comparison that has been eagerly awaited.
 Dana White kept everybody posted, as well as many official UFC journalists and UFC supporters. There were updates 24/7 all over social media, such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
 Considering the fact, that the viewers/fan base/ target audience expressed their negative opinions, the marketing teams of UFC and Dana White himself, were successfully able to keep the interest of the people towards the fight and in a way keep them on their toes.

 If you want to see a recap of the event, the official UFC website has posted a video, summarising the event, which you can take a look at here: UFC 223.


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