UFC Market research Clarification and Stakeholder comparrison

 Even though the fight between Khabib and Al Laquinta has passed, my research and analysis for the UFC industry is continuous. While I was re-reading my posts, I realised that I made a comment in regards of how fast the UFC industry is progressing. It was written that UFC is the fastest growing sport industry in the world. After quite a thorough research, I came to the realisation that in fact, it is not.  According to an article ''Mainstream Expansion and Strategic Analysis'', written by Ram Kandasamy, Victor Li and  David Ye, it is stated that within the USA, UFC is '' The largest and most profitable organisation. It accounts for ninety percent of the industry revenue and generates $250 million annually''. 
 You can read more about the analysis and development of the industry here: UFC Market research .

 Throughout the research of the UFC industry and the fight, the focus and research was mainly on what the customers/ viewers say and think and how the event is projected towards them. The organisation is much more than that. So, it is best if a brief explanation of the stakeholders is presented for both events (The fight and ''Afrika Burn'') in order to gain a better understanding of how the events work and what they get and give.  (refer to appendix 1.1)

What is a Stakeholder?

''A stakeholder is anybody who can affect or is affected by an organisation, strategy or project. They can be internal or external and they can be at senior or junior levels.''

Appendix 1.1
Stakeholder clipart, 123rf.com (2018)

                                                           ''Afrika Burn''

Afrika Burns Creative Projects Non Profit Company (NPC).
All visitors who purchase a ticket or earn a ticket through their arts and craft creations.
The government doesn’t finance the event as it is non-profit, but because the land used is private, the owners need many licencings and approves from the government to use the land and the activities.
 Mainly volunteers
Could be considered local banks/organisations that have lent money to the organisers to help invest in the event. 
  Locals, who mainly attend the event for rejuvenation and relaxation, as well as those who actively participate by working on various projects (arts and crafts)
 All people, who enjoy the event, who frequently attend the event, no matter from which part of the world and respect the highly represented policies for privacy.


Dana White

All people who use ‘’Pay-to-view’’ (Pay to watch a live stream of a fight) and those who purchase tickets and/or merchandise
 The government needs to make sure that UFC is following all rules and regulations, that there are no breaches of contracts, etc.  
Marketing teams, Publicists, editors, videographers, photographers,
Managers, assistants, etc.
Could be considered local banks which lend money to UFC for specific investments.
Due to the fact that the majority of the fan base is from USA, it could be considered that the USA population is the main community. They interact with each other via social media, they could be attending events together.
 Groups of celebrities who are famous for always attending UFC fights can be part of the community.  
All supporters/ fans of UFC who invest their time and interest in the industry and the fights.


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